12 events found.
Shabbat Service via Zoom
North Country Reform Temple, 86 Crescent Beach Rd, Glen Cove, NY 11542, USAJoin Rabbi Churgel for services, Zoom or in-person
Potluck Vegetarian Dinner
North Country Reform Temple, 86 Crescent Beach Rd, Glen Cove, NY 11542, USAFollowed by Shabbat Services In Person at 7 pm.
Shabbat Service via Zoom
North Country Reform Temple, 86 Crescent Beach Rd, Glen Cove, NY 11542, USAJoin Rabbi Churgel for services, Zoom or in-person
In Person Shabbat Hanukkah Service
North Country Reform Temple, 86 Crescent Beach Rd, Glen Cove, NY 11542, USABring your menorah and candles.
Book Club via Zoom
This is a recurring meeting, unless otherwise specified.
Liturgical Hebrew Proficiency with Rabbi Churgel (in person)
meets the first Monday of each month
Shabbat Service (in Person)
North Country Reform Temple, 86 Crescent Beach Rd, Glen Cove, NY 11542, USAJoin Rabbi Churgel for services, Zoom or in-person
Book Club via Zoom
This is a recurring meeting, unless otherwise specified.
Rabbi’s Lunch & Learn Liturgy Class
Because of holidays, etc., this class will meet only on 1/16 in January.